Propel your community to the next level…

Benchmark where your brand is online today and get actionable suggestions to improve your online profiles and conversion rates with one of the Audits. Or click “Hire Me” to help your community hit it’s next S curve, fast 🚀.

1. Free Audit: Brand benchmark report

  • We review five of your company's online profiles and give you actionable insights to improve your customers' experience of your brand online for FREE, as a taster to show what it’s like working with the team.

    1. A basic audit of branding, amount of content by admins, and by members/followers.

    2. Benchmark the number of members and followers on each platform.

    3. Suggested recommendations that your company can implement easily.

    To take advantage of this offer you would need to provide us with the complete list of links to ALL the social media accounts that you would like us to review, and your website url. 

  • This offer can include Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube, LinkedIn, Slack, Discord, Website and Podcasts.

2. Premium Audit: Brand benchmark report incl. analytics and action plan.

  • Premium Audit gives actionable suggestions for your team to implement. to improve your customers' experience of your brand online quickly. We review your website and social media accounts (including reviewing page, group insights and website analytics).

    Investment: £999/€999 with 50% payable in advance and 50% remainder payable within 14 days of completion. 

  • Can include up to fifteen social media profiles/urls.

    1. We will review all available analytics and insights, provide actionable recommendations to make a positive impact on reach, engagement and conversions.

    2. Review your community, onboarding flow, content, analytics and provide suggestions. 

    3. Tell us your most pressing question/concern/objective you have for your brand. Let the team propel your community to the next level.

  • Please note that to access the full report and benefits: You will need to give one of the team appropriate access to your social media profiles, to gather your insights for us to effectively evaluate your online brand. We will provide you with personalised recommendations for you to realise the maximum benefit from your investment.

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Click the hire me button to get in touch.

  • Daniel is profoundly committed to people. He builds networks both in the business and with your target audiences with consumate skill and ease, creating the foundations for customer success, product development, you name it.

    George Gabriel Head of Strategic Innovation, Community at Meta

  • I had the privilege of working with Daniel during his time at Meta and was constantly in awe of his passion, dedication and thirst to help not only those around him but serve his broader community every single day. He truly understood the power of community and connection and lived his values with every interaction. Daniel is an asset to any community team.

    Stephanie Lim UK Marketing Lead at Facebook

  • Daniel's passionate approach to team building and management makes him a pleasure to work with. His level of professionalism is beyond reproach. He is laser-focused on the team's mission and goals, and how each person involved plays an essential part in that mission. Often (at Meta) initiatives involve many teams connecting at all parts of the process, and Daniel has a solid grip on all aspects at all times. It was a privilege to work alongside Daniel

    Hal Bleiweiss - Previously Community Manager Meta Certified Community Managers Group.

  • Daniel Doherty was responsible for META's "Power Admins" programme which I participated in - a META invite only programme which assists Community Managers to improve and grow their communities. Under Daniel's leadership, I grew my non-profit communities from 2,000 members to 118,000 members in the space of just over a year, with further scope to monetise the community and to use it for lead generation. As a Community Manager, I cannot speak highly enough of Daniel.

    Johan Le Nobel Product Director, POV as a member of the Power Admins UK & Ireland Group.