Welcome Group Admins!

Are you ready to take your Facebook or LinkedIn group to the next level?

Join the Million Members Club and unlock the full potential of your community. Our exclusive community platform is designed to empower Group Admins like you, with the connections and resources you need to succeed.

Why Join the Million Members Club?

  • Gain access to a wealth of resources, including expert insights from MMC members, best practices, and industry trends to help you grow and manage your personal brand more effectively.

  • Connect with other MMC members and the DanD.ai team to share experiences, and collaborate on projects. Expand your network and reach new audiences.

  • Attend exclusive MMC events and workshops to learn new strategies, tactics, and techniques for creating sustainable income for your group.

  • Receive personalised support and guidance from our team of experts to address your specific challenges and achieve your goals.

Let us shine a light on your amazing community and source thoughtful collaborations for you to choose. Discover our mission.


  • FREE.

    But we are looking for the most engaged communities, and then seeking

    🔥 Early Adopters

    ❤️ Advocates

    🎁 and Supporters

    Apply for the appropriate cohort (based on size) and we will be in touch.

    We are building our community platform now, and working on an events series interviewing members of the Million Members Club.

  • Right now, honestly we’re not sure.

    We do see a huge opportunity, and our aim is to work with you to showcase the amazing work you and your community do.

    Then pitch the types of companies you want to collaborate with.

  • 🫵 The Admin (or team) will receive a 50% share.

    🤵‍♂️ DanD.ai team gets a 50% share to pay the team, affiliates, community running costs and more...

  • This really depends on how much you and your team want to promote this project, but I think a little over a long time will pay the most dividends.

    Recommendation per project:

    30 minutes to review and schedule posts, then we recommend a minimum of 30 minutes for moderation (per post) which can be divided between your Admin team.

    So 2 x 30 minutes per project as a minimum guide. But as with life the more you put in, the more you get out.

  • Preference in our first cohorts will be to work with small admin teams of one or two people, in English or Portuguese (with more languages to follow).

    N.B. We do request only one point of contact per community to liaise with the DanD.ai team (with that person then liaising back with the wider Admin team).

  • You can pause/cancel working with us with 30 days notice.

    You would be expected to honour any agreement you had signed prior to your notice being given.

  • Within the Million Members Club, we have several decades worth of community building experience and network of connections to tap into.

    We have a “No silly questions” policy. MMC members are at different stages of their journey and we want to support them to the next level. Come learn with us, either from people who have done it or as we can figure it out together. If you’re eligible, please apply to join the MMC.

  • Yes, if your co-admin will be the main point of contact for the MMC projects. We will work directly with them on the basis they are responsible for updating their Admin team.

    We operate on a “transparency first approach” with the assigned Admin (or two maximum).

  • If it’s important to you, please feel free to email me (the link is in the website footer) and I’ll try to help.

    Thanks for your interest in the MMC. All the best, Daniel Doherty