Propel your community to the next level…

Hire Daniel Doherty as your Fractional Head of Community.

Examples of the types of responsibilities this bespoke service can deliver (to help your community hit it’s next S curve, fast 🚀) are detailed below as a guide, and my service would be customised to your requirements.

  • Daniel Doherty will work with you and your team to implement your action plan and other agreed work to ensure your team is set up for success for the next stage of your community’s development.

    1. 12 weeks is the minimum engagement

    2. Clients can select 1 or 2 days per week

    3. Number of 12 week sprints required, dependent on the scope of the project.

  • This is a bespoke service to enhance your community engagement and growth at every stage of the community lifecycle from launch through to maturity. Services offered can include but not limited to.

    We strive to meet the unique needs of the stakeholders we work with, while providing value to you and your community members.

    The specific services offered and pricing vary depending on the type of community, the team maturity and the business objectives. Below ae some examples of areas I can help with.

  • Developing a comprehensive strategy that aligns with the organisation's goals, defining the community's purpose, identifying target audience, and creating a roadmap for growth and engagement.

  • Generating relevant and engaging content for the community, such as blog posts, newsletters, social media updates, and discussion prompts.

  • Implementing initiatives to encourage member participation and interaction, such as organising events, contests, and surveys, and fostering connections among community members.

  • Tracking key metrics and providing regular reports on community growth, engagement levels, sentiment analysis, and other relevant data to measure the community's impact and inform decision-making.

  • Developing onboarding processes for new community members, creating welcome materials, providing guidance, and offering ongoing support to ensure a positive experience for community participants.

  • Conducting training sessions and workshops to educate your team on relevant topics, such as best practices for community engagement, social media usage, or building online relationships.

  • Identifying potential partners and influencers who align with the community's values and objectives, establishing collaborations, and managing relationships to expand the community's reach and impact.

  • Developing crisis communication plans, addressing sensitive issues or negative situations within the community, and handling any potential reputation risks effectively.

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Click the hire me button to get in touch.

  • Daniel is profoundly committed to people. He builds networks both in the business and with your target audiences with consumate skill and ease, creating the foundations for customer success, product development, you name it.

    George Gabriel Head of Strategic Innovation, Community at Meta

  • I had the privilege of working with Daniel during his time at Meta and was constantly in awe of his passion, dedication and thirst to help not only those around him but serve his broader community every single day. He truly understood the power of community and connection and lived his values with every interaction. Daniel is an asset to any community team.

    Stephanie Lim UK Marketing Lead at Facebook

  • Daniel's passionate approach to team building and management makes him a pleasure to work with. His level of professionalism is beyond reproach. He is laser-focused on the team's mission and goals, and how each person involved plays an essential part in that mission. Often (at Meta) initiatives involve many teams connecting at all parts of the process, and Daniel has a solid grip on all aspects at all times. It was a privilege to work alongside Daniel

    Hal Bleiweiss - Previously Community Manager Meta Certified Community Managers Group.

  • Daniel Doherty was responsible for META's "Power Admins" programme which I participated in - a META invite only programme which assists Community Managers to improve and grow their communities. Under Daniel's leadership, I grew my non-profit communities from 2,000 members to 118,000 members in the space of just over a year, with further scope to monetise the community and to use it for lead generation. As a Community Manager, I cannot speak highly enough of Daniel.

    Johan Le Nobel Product Director, POV as a member of the Power Admins UK & Ireland Group.