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Elevator pitch

🏠 > Network like a pro > What is an elevator pitch?

An elevator pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that summarises your business or product in a concise and engaging way.

Here are ten tips to help you write a succinct elevator pitch:

1. Keep it short: Aim for a pitch that can be delivered in 30-60 seconds, or the length of an elevator ride. A concise pitch is more likely to be remembered and repeated. 

2. Use simple language: Avoid jargon, technical terms, or complex explanations that could confuse or bore the listener. Use simple and clear language that everyone can understand.

3. Be specific: Who do you want to meet, what companies do they work at, how can you/your company help them?

If they show an interest, be prepared to provide concrete and quantifiable examples of your business or product's success and include a notable mention such as customer testimonials, revenue growth, or industry awards.

4. Start with a hook: Grab the listener's attention with a powerful opening statement that communicates the most important benefit or value proposition of your business or product.

5. Know your audience: Tailor your pitch to the listener's interests, needs, and pain points. Focus on the benefits and outcomes that matter most to them.

6. Tell a story: Use a relatable and memorable story or example to illustrate the value of your business or product. This will help the listener visualise the impact and make your pitch more compelling.

7. Highlight your unique selling proposition: Emphasise what sets your business or product apart from competitors. This could be a unique feature, a different pricing strategy, or a distinctive target audience.

8. Use emotion: Use emotional language to evoke positive feelings and create a personal connection with the listener. This will make your pitch more memorable and persuasive.

9. Practice, practice, practice: Practise your pitch until it feels natural and confident. Record yourself and listen to your delivery, and ask for feedback from colleagues or friends.

10. End with a call to action: End your pitch with a clear and actionable request, such as a follow-up meeting, a trial offer, or a referral. This will give the listener a clear next step and help you move forward with your goal.

Remember to focus on the most important and relevant information, and be authentic and passionate about your business or product. A succinct and compelling elevator pitch can open doors and create opportunities for your business.