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Researching an event

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Researching an event can help you to find the right people and build connections at events you attend. It's important to gather relevant information that can help you engage with the people you meet, such as attendees, organisers, speakers and/or sponsors effectively. Here are ten ways to research an event to ensure you meet more of the right people and make it easier for you to connect with them:

1. Event Website: Start by visiting the event's official website. Look for details about the event's purpose, target audience, agenda, and importantly more info about participating speakers. This is particularly important if you are buying via third party ticket seller, more information will give you a broad understanding of the event and its potential value to the people you meet there.

2. Social Media: Explore the event's social media profiles, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram. Check for updates, posts, and discussions related to the event. Engaging with these platforms can provide insights into attendee interests, expectations, and potential people to talk to.

3. Speaker Profiles: Research the background, expertise, and influence of the event's speakers. This knowledge will help you understand the topics and themes likely to attract the people you meet. It can also provide potential opportunities for collaboration or introductions.

4. Attendee List: If available, request an attendee list or review past event attendee profiles. Analyse the demographics, job titles, and companies represented. This information can help you identify people within your target audience.

5. Event Hashtags: Monitor event-related hashtags on social media platforms. By following these hashtags, you can keep track of discussions, opinions, and conversations surrounding the event. Engage with attendees and industry influencers using these hashtags to help increase your visibility in a positive way.

6. Previous Event Reports: Look for reports, reviews, or blog posts about past iterations of the event. These can offer insights into the event's quality, attendee experiences, and potential pain points. Use this information to tailor your approach and address any concerns you might discuss.

7. Networking: Leverage your existing network to gather information about the event. Reach out to colleagues, partners, or clients who have attended the event in the past. Ask for their experiences, feedback, and recommendations. They may also provide valuable introductions before you even attend the event.

8. Industry Publications: Read industry-specific publications or websites related to the event's topic. Stay updated on the latest trends, news, and challenges in the industry. This knowledge will help you connect with people by demonstrating your understanding of the industry landscape.

9. LinkedIn Groups: Join relevant LinkedIn groups or forums where professionals discuss topics related to the event. Engage in conversations, ask questions, and listen to the challenges and interests of group members. This will give you valuable insights and potential connections.

10. Online Reviews: Search for reviews or testimonials from previous event attendees on the previous events and social media. Analyse the positive and negative feedback to understand what aspects of the event resonated with attendees or areas that could be improved. This information may help you position your value proposition or identify previous attendees who may be attending with an existing network of people.

Remember to organise and analyse the information you gather, using it to tailor your conversations and approach when meeting people in person. Be curious, be open and be yourself! Tips to build connections.