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Follow up

🏠 > Network like a pro > It’s all about the follow up!

Ten tips to help you follow up effectively:

Following up after meeting someone at a networking event is essential to maintain a positive relationship and move forward with your goals.

1. Be timely: Follow up within 24-48 hours after the meeting to show your enthusiasm and professionalism. Delaying your follow-up can create the impression that you are not interested.

2. Send a thank-you message (Linkedin is good for this and include a connection request): Start with a simple and genuine thank-you note that expresses your appreciation for the time and attention of the other person.

3. Recap the key points: Recap the main points and action items from the meeting in a brief and clear summary. This will help you and the other person stay on the same page and remember what was discussed.

4. Clarify any questions or concerns: If there were any unresolved questions or concerns from the meeting, address them in your follow-up communication along with any additional information or materials. This will demonstrate your reliability and preparedness.

5. Set a clear next step: Set a clear and actionable next step that moves the relationship forward, such as scheduling a follow-up meeting or a phone call. This will help you avoid any ambiguity and keep the momentum going.

6 Show value: Offer to help in the future. Include an open offer e.g. “If there is ever anything I can I do for you, please let me know.”

7. Personalise your communication: Personalise your communication based on the person's preferences and communication style. For example, if they prefer email over phone calls, respect their preference and use it to follow up.

8. Reiterate your value proposition: Use your follow-up communication to reiterate your value proposition and how you can help the other person achieve their goals. This will reinforce your message and keep you top of mind.

9. Be respectful of their time: Be respectful of the other person's time and schedule, and avoid bombarding them with too many follow-up messages. Be concise and to the point, and respect their boundaries and preferences.

10. Follow up consistently: Consistency is key to building a strong relationship. Make sure to follow up consistently and regularly, and keep the other person informed of any progress or updates. This will show your commitment and reliability.